Creative ITC is making it possible for businesses around the world to consume nearly everything “as a service.” SNC-Lavalin work on some of the most iconic projects across the world, and Creative ITC, along with VMWare, virtualised their data centres and networks, enabling mobility across their 34,000 people work force.
Eamon Murchan, Creative ITC’s CEO, explains, “We practice the art of the possible to deliver value-based outcomes for our clients. We look at their existing infrastructures and help them see what is possible through digital transformation and cloud enablement. With VDI, SNC-Lavalin can provision virtual desktops for third parties and limit their access to only the data required for that specific project.”
SNC-Lavalin was able to consolidate the number of data centres from 16 to just three, reducing storage requirements by 69 percent and power consumption by 50 percent.
To find out more, including a full interview with Steve Capper, SNC-Lavalin’s Group Chief Information Officer and Creative ITC’s CEO Eamon Murchan, click here: