Business Ethics
There are a total of 15 detailed policies which uphold our values of being honest, fair, compassionate, respectful, responsible, law-abiding and transparent. Some examples of these policies include:
- Anti-Bribery, Fraud & Corruption policy
- Whistleblowing policy
- Supporting Your Personal and Professional Development policy
- Equal Opportunities, Diversity, and Inclusion policy
- Maternity and Family Friendly policy
- Bullying and Harassment policy
- Sustainability policy
- Corporate Social Responsibility policy
Living Wage Accreditation
Creative have been accredited as a living wage employer and promotes that every person deservers a wage that meets their real everyday needs.

Business Resilience
We are an agile business that can adapt quickly to the ever-changing landscape. Our matrix-style organisational structure is flexible and dynamic. It empowers individuals to make decisions autonomously, allowing for more bespoke customer service. We are also ISO9001 certified which helps us to meet the needs of our stakeholders more effectively by building a framework of quality.

Risk Management
Being an IT business, we understand the challenges faced in the world we live in. This is why we have taken a number of certifications to minimise any threats:

Cyber Essentials Plus Helps organisations protect themselves from a range of common cyber attacks

ISO 27001 helps organisations manage their information security by addressing people, processes and technology.
If you have a question or need our help. Get in touch.
Our London HQ
Birchin Court, 20 Birchin Lane,
London, England, EC3V 9DU
+44 (0)20 7682 2820
9:00 AM to 5:30 PM